
3 Tips for Enjoying the Season, Even When You’re Not Joyous

3 Tips for Enjoying the Season, Even When You’re Not Joyous

By: Heather Hall

From the moment we set our clocks back an hour in November, everything seems to speed up as we race towards the New Year. With all the hustle-bustle, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that this is supposed to be a season of hope and joy.

Let’s explore a few ways that being intentional can make the coming weeks more enjoyable.

The first thing you’ll want to do is check in with your values. Which are your top 3-5 values? Maybe family, community, kindness, or selflessness come to mind? Whatever yours are, write them on your calendar, in your planner, or on a note you tape to the mirror to serve as a reminder of your top priorities. 

As you navigate the next few weeks, check your list before accepting additional commitments. Give yourself permission to decline invitations which don’t support your top values. And, if you find yourself feeling pressured to buy the fancy, new outfit you’ll only wear once or to splurge on gift giving and end of year donations, return to your list to determine if these expenses are in alignment with your values.

Remember that your mindfulness practice helps build resilience and it’s never too late to start. Even a few minutes each morning can help you get grounded for the coming day. A mid-day body scan can help you release tension. And, when office parties and family gatherings seem overwhelming, a simple breathing exercise can ease the pressure and help you enjoy the festivities.

Finally, what would it look like if you leaned into your top VIA Strengths? While attending 6 client parties seems like too much, maybe you let gratitude lead the way. When gathering donations for your local food bank or a family in need, bring on the teamwork. Where you’re not sure what another’s tradition calls for during this season, let curiosity fill the conversation.

When we let go of all the expectations and focus on the things that really matter to us, we can find more happiness and fulfillment. 



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