Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy By: Dr. Kathleen Costello What are qualities you associate with a strong leader? Drive, motivation, and intelligence may be a few that come to mind. There are many forms of intelligence and one that is shown to support leadership success is emotional intelligence (EI). The term emotional intelligence emerged in the […]
Emotional Regulation Supported by Self-compassion

Emotional Regulation Supported by Self-compassion By: Dr. Kathleen Costello We all have tough days. It’s those days that emotional regulation can be challenging. Have you ever noticed that difficult emotions are hard to regulate? Anger, frustration, and disappointment can lead us to act out in ways that are uncharacteristic. If we are offered support and […]
Not Enough Diversity in C-suite

Not Enough Diversity in C-suite By: Mika Acklin Unconscious Bias in C-suite Leadership What comes to mind when you think about a C-suite Executive? A Caucasian male with the perfect amalgamation of prestigious lineage, equipped with an ivy league education, and a lengthy resume that describes why he is fitting for the job. Or […]

Values By: Terri Hoffler As a kid, I loved the bumper cars at the amusement park. Without a license and any real knowledge of how to operate a motor vehicle, we were allowed to get behind the wheel of a “car” and drive with the sole intention of crashing into each other for our entertainment. […]
Cultural Competency and Growth Mindset

Cultural Competency and Growth Mindset By: Stephanie LaBonte We all have varying degrees of maturity in diversity and how we react to cultural differences. Our willingness to learn and grow is more important than our level of maturity. Understanding the different levels of cultural adaptation and how a person can progress through the stages can […]
A Way Forward with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

A Way Forward with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. By: Terri Hoffler Less than 2 years ago, all eyes were on Minneapolis, MN where we were all witnesses to the murder of George Floyd. We were aghast, appalled, and agonized by the brutality. Individually and collectively, we decided that something had to change. We had conversations […]
Values: Your North Star to Greater Happiness.

Values: Your North Star to Greater Happiness By: Dr. Kathleen Costello, MS, DC Life can get a little crazy at times. Have you noticed? Many of us have navigated more change in the last two years than perhaps in the last two decades. We all have had to make difficult decisions and been asked to […]
Transform Your Workplace with Positive Psychology

Transform Your Workplace With Positive Psychology When it comes to work, people want it to feel engaged and positive. How would it feel if instead of dreading a Monday, your employees actually felt excited about coming to work? Positive psychology helps in exploring the science behind different positive emotions that ultimately lead to improved health, […]
5 Hurdles Women Leaders Face in Organizations

5 Hurdles Women Leaders Face In Organizations It isn’t news that there is a significant gender gap in leadership, but the reasons for this gap are more complicated than we know. A study conducted by McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.org’s Women in the Workplace elucidated that women have been doing their part, which is earning […]
Why Your Organization Needs Diversity & Inclusion Coaching in 2021

Why Your Organization Need Diversity and Inclusion Coaching In 2021 In an increasingly modern and globalized world, small and large organizations, are tasked to manage an even more diverse staff. The basic understanding of diversity includes the cultures, races, upbringings, morals, skill sets, ages, religions, languages, and countless other factors that every person possesses. A […]