Are You Ready To Take A Chance

Have you ever taken a real chance before? I mean you went for something and you didn’t truly know what the outcome was going to be? Well I’ve taken many chances before in my life but none were bigger than me taking the leap and quitting my job many years ago to start my own […]
How To Overcome Your Lack of Motivation

How To Overcome Your Lack of Motivation Lately, I have been hearing this phrase over and over again, “I just don’t have the motivation”. Have you said this to yourself in the past week or two? Go ahead be honest, it’s just the two of us. Well, if I’m being completely honest I use to […]
How To Live Your Dreams Right Now

How To Live Your Dreams Right Now Do you dream about your future often? Thinking about this subject brings the following words to mind: passion, perseverance, and motivation. But sometimes when you are working towards your dream it’s hard to find the strength to keep pushing through the hard times. The good news is, even […]